os novos herois

 os novos herois 



hulkstar ,rockdragon,unidade ciber 

a historia comeca assim

O mundo tava vivendo 1 caos , aconteceu 

que apareceu 1 monstro na cidade e o povo

tava pulando dos predios , pois os predios 

estava pegando fogo.

No parque havia 3 mulheres, e 1 esquilo e 1 papagaio

Havia tambem 1 limpador de ruas , 1 homem 

lavrando a roca , havia tambem, 2 animais 

1 dragao e 1 tigre 

o homem lavrador da roca era o heroi hulkstar 

o limpádor de ruas era o heroi unidade ciber 

que dirigia o robo na transformacao 

os 2 animais o dragao e o tigre o rockdragon

eles foram a cidade e se transfornaram nos herois 

unidade ciber era a transformacao em robo,

hulkstar, rockdragon e unidade e lutaram contra 

o monstro e venceram o mostro no final 

e ganharam ate 1 canal cada 1 na internet ,

rockdragon, ganhou 2 canal 

hulkstar , rockdragon , unidade ciber 

the new heroes

hulkstar,rockdragon,cyber unit

the story starts like this

The world was experiencing chaos, it happened

that 1 monster appeared in the city and the people

I was jumping off the buildings, because the buildings

was on fire.

In the park there were 3 women, and 1 squirrel and 1 parrot

There was also 1 street cleaner, 1 man

plowing the rock, there were also 2 animals

1 dragon and 1 tiger

the farmer man was the hulkstar hero

the street cleaner was the cyber unit hero

who directed the robot in the transformation

the 2 animals the dragon and the tiger the rockdragon

they went to town and became heroes

cyber unit was transformation into robot,

hulkstar, rockdragon and unity and fought against

the monster and beat the monster in the end

and won up to 1 channel each 1 on the internet,

rockdragon, won 2 channel

hulkstar, rockdragon, cyber unit
